Privacy Policy
Our Twelfth Tradition states, “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”
Communications: Any communication submitted to the Northwest Arkansas of Narcotics Anonymous will be treated with confidentiality and anonymity in mind. We will delete all communications received on a regular basis. We do not guarantee total anonymity in all circumstances. We suggest that the senders of e-mail or feedback take their own precautions if they desire to remain anonymous.
All communications considered to be official Narcotics Anonymous business requires some level of identification for the purposes of responding to those communications. All efforts will be made to pass on communications in a timely manner to a responsible trusted servant.
Personal Requests: Under no circumstances will we forward mail of a personal nature to any Narcotics Anonymous member here in the Northwest Arkansas Area. This is an official website of the Northwest Arkansas Area and we do not acknowledge anyone’s membership in Narcotics Anonymous. Thank you for respecting this policy.